A Look Into Sierra Brooklynn

Welcome to Sierra Brooklynn!

I wanted to create this blog so that all of my guests have a look into my store/website. There are three things I have always loved: crafting, school, and helping others, so I thought I would combine them!

A little bit about me:

I am a 20 year old female. I graduated high school in 2019 and started nursing school in October of that same year. I graduated with my Licensed Practical Nursing degree in September of 2020. I am now currently working on my Registered Nursing License.

What to expect in this blog:

I wanted to start this blog in order to really share my tips on studying, starting a business, teaching about my products, and so much more!

A Gift To You!

I want to thank you for taking the time to read my blog. With that being said please use this one-time-code for 10% off: SBBLOG

Let me know if there are any certain topics you would like for me to cover!

"Stop waiting on some grand permission to change your life. The universe is not going to tell you it's okay. Tell yourself it's okay." - Maggie Smith

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